
Shelters in the Cayman Islands

Adopt a culture of readiness

A shelter is a facility designated for refuge immediately prior to, during or after a disaster, including for an event such as a storm/hurricane. An emergency shelter is normally operated for an initial period of up to 72 hours but may be longer depending on the severity of impact on the community. In a shelter environment it is not possible to provide the privacy which exists at home, however, in the allocation of space the shelter management team will work together and with shelterees to create the highest levels of privacy possible. Persons who are seeking refuge in the shelter, are referred to as shelterees.

Every shelteree must be registered when they enter the shelter to ensure that everyone is accounted for within the shelter. The shelter management team may request additional information regarding health, diet, interests and capabilities or skills to assist in the operation of the shelter.


The following apply to everyone in the shelter, there are NO EXCEPTIONS: If a curfew is issued at any time under the Emergency Powers Act, all persons within the shelter will be subject to the conditions of the curfew and will be subject to such penalties as may be imposed for failure to comply.

No liability shall attach to the Government, shelter managers, shelter officers, Government employees or agents or the owner or occupier of listed premises in respect of:

  • Accidental or negligent loss or damage to property brought into the shelter by a person seeking protection; or

  • Persons who leave the shelter prior to the issuance of an All Clear

Red Cross

What Happens After

Following an all-clear, there will be a sign out process for all shelterees. You may be called on to assist with the cleanup, or reorganization of the shelter as well before you leave.

Where are the Shelters?

Shelter Map 2024

There are 20 hurricane shelters in Grand Cayman, seven of these are also Emergency Medical Centres (EMC) and two of these are pet-friendly. Here's where the shelters are in the Cayman Islands: 

What You Need to Know About Shelters

Emergency Supplies

Emergency Medical Centres

Emergency Medical Centres are established in key locations on Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman to provide medical care for people whose age, frailty, mobility, functional and/or medical condition make them particularly vulnerable and at risk in disaster situations.

Set up usually in some of the hurricane shelters, these Centres are temporary, emergency-type facilities staffed by trained medical and nursing personnel. These Centres may also be utilised for providing medical care after the disaster, in case of disruption of access to the hospital or health centres.

Admissions to Emergency Medical Centres are limited to level of care needed and resources available. Only those individuals with medical impairments who have been able to maintain activities of daily living in a home environment prior to the disaster or emergency situation and who may need some level of medical monitoring & or assistance are allowed in an Emergency Medical Centre. The caregiver at home must accompany and stay with the person at the shelter. Some examples of clients to emergency medical shelters are:

  • Wheelchair bound persons with medical needs;
  • Individuals with severely reduced mobility;
  • Persons with mental illness who are non-violent;
  • Medically impaired individuals who are able to maintain activities of daily living with special assistance: eg. paralysis, colostomy, tracheostomy;
  • Persons having continuous IV therapy (pain control, or hydration); or
  • Oxygen dependent.

If an individual with one of these medical conditions was homebound at the time of the emergency or disaster, he/she with the caretaker may report to a shelter designated as Emergency Medical Centre; provided power sources, equipment and back-up supplies are available.

All others who do not need medical monitoring or assistance during the passage of a hurricane may report to any shelter. All shelters have first aid service through Red Cross personnel.



Persons who require professional medical care and or special medical equipment may need hospitalisation. Physicians decide if hospitalisation is required.

These may include persons who are

  • Ventilator dependant;
  • Pregnant women who are experiencing contractions and women who are in the seventh month or beyond;
  • Persons who report chest pain or have experience chest pain the last 24 hours;
  • Persons with shortness of breath;
  • Persons who have already experienced a potentially serious injury and have not been evaluated by a physician;
  • Uncontrollable or violent persons; and
  • Persons with infected wounds.


EMC Locations

At least one shelter in each district is designated an Emergency Medical Centre (EMC). The following list indicates those shelters that have been designated EMCs in 2013; however, the designation may be reassigned. Residents should look for information pertaining to the current threat.

  • Grand Cayman
    • Prospect Primary School
    • John A. Cumber Primary School Assembly Hall
    • William Allen McLaughlin (East End) Civic Centre
    • Craddock Ebanks (North Side) Civic Centre
    • Clifton Hunter High School Gymnasium
    • Theoline McCoy Primary School
    • Joanna Clarke Primary School Assembly Hall
  • Cayman Brac
    • Aston Rutty Centre
  • Little Cayman
    • Public Works Department Building





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