
The Complaints Commissioner recommends that we have an Internal Complaints Procedure.

Hazard Management Cayman Islands strives to satisfy the needs of its customers. But we realise that sometimes we make mistakes and that sometimes people are not happy with what we have done.

Our policy for handling complaints is set out below.


What Do We Mean By A Complaint?

We define a complaint as "an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by Hazard Management Cayman Islands or its staff affecting a member or members of the public".


How We Handle Complaints

We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as we receive it. If the matter cannot be resolved immediately, we will write to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days of it being lodged.

We will send a full written response to your complaint within 25 working days of its being lodged. This could be our final response to your complaint or a progress report of how we are investigating your concerns.

Where we have provided you with a progress report, we will continue to provide you with further reports, until your complaint has been dealt with. If we have not acknowledged your complaint within five days of receiving it or have not provided you with a full written response within 25 days, then we will write to explain the reasons why and to give you a date by which we expect to be able to give you a full or final response.


Putting Things Right

If your complaint is found to be justified, we will write to apologise to the people concerned, and if necessary, the matter will be reported to the Director of Hazard Management Cayman Islands to consider remedial action.


Anonymous Complaints

We will investigate anonymous complaints in the same way outlined above and seek to put things right if the complaint is found to be justified. However, if an anonymous complaint involves alleged misconduct by a member of staff which, if proven, would be grounds for disciplinary action, then the appropriate officer responsible for disciplinary matters will investigate the complaint.


FOI Appeals

Please visit our Freedom of Information Section for details on complaints concerning an FOI Request.